Top 5 Reasons Parents Love Martial Arts

Our parents love martial arts! And there is no shortage of benefits when it comes to training in the martial arts. But, as a concerned parent, you want to be confident in selecting a program that will be most beneficial to your child. Allow us to grant you the gift of going second.We hear all […]
Fuel Your Body, Maximize Your Fitness Results

Written By Invictus Martial Arts On August 13, 2021. Posted In Blog, Nutrition, WellnessThe difference between a good and a bad workout often comes down to how you fuel your body. What you eat and when you eat it determines how hard you can push yourself during a training session. It also impacts how well your muscles recover afterwards.Many people believe […]
Forging Friendships Through Martial Arts

Of all of the countless benefits of enrolling your child in a martial arts program, one of the most important may be forging lasting friendships through martial arts. Experts agree that good friends can enrich your life and improve your health. In fact, adults with strong social support have a reduced risk of health problems […]
Martial Arts Improves Academic Performance

Experts agree that martial arts improves academic performance in school-aged children. It’s true! And who doesn’t want their child to have better focus and higher grades?In fact, participating in physical activity, such as martial arts, has a direct impact on the behavior and development of the brain.According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, […]
Why Martial Artists Bow

It’s easy to wonder why martial artists bow. More than just tradition, the martial bow is a sign of mutual respect and humility still honored today.To a new student just beginning their martial arts journey, it can first appear that they are constantly bowing.Most schools expect their students to bow as they enter/exit the school, […]
Martial Arts Is Medicine

When most people think of martial arts, they tend to think of the benefits of learning self-defense. But did you know, training in the martial arts doesn’t just teach your body how to protect you from violence? Regular participation in martial arts training also teaches your body to protect you from common medical conditions as […]
Kid’s Karate: What You Need To Know

Kid’s karate classes first gained popularity in the 80’s after the the movie The Karate Kid was released in theaters. Every kid wanted to be Daniel and every parent wanted their kids to be able to defend themselves against Kobra Kai bullies. As karate dojos began seeing more enrollment of youth members, other traditional martial […]
Five Secret Benefits Of Martial Arts

If you’re like us, you LOVE finding secret benefits to ethically hack more results from your life.Let’s be real: we all have the same 24-hours in a day. But some people seem to get more from every hour than us. The same is true of martial arts training. Have you ever noticed some people get […]
Isn’t All Martial Arts Fitness?

Have you ever wondered: isn’t all martial arts fitness? Or all martial arts essentially do the same thing, right? Sadly, no. In fact, some martial arts styles are great for fitness! But, martial arts styles aren’t all created equally.And this is particularly true regarding fitness and conditioning.We believe that all martial arts styles have merit […]
Improving Mental Health With Martial Arts

May is Mental Health Awareness Month so we’re taking a minute to showcase how martial arts can help. For several years, Mental Health America has acknowledged and advocated for fitness as a tool to help those who live with mental illness find pathways to wellness and ultimately thrive in life.It is well-known that people who […]