Make Your Resolution Stick

Adult Mixed Martial Arts in Austin Cedar Park

One of the most important aspects of any goal-setting activity that you have is to make your resolution stick. Of course, most people would agree that while that’s easy to say it’s more challenging to actually do. So, here are a few quick tips and tricks you can quickly use to make your resolution stick:

Know What You Want

You must first know what it is you hope to accomplish. Whether it’s to fix some mistakes of the past or avoid some undesired future, knowing what it is you actually want to achieve is the first and most important step.

In fact, some of the most successful people agree that creating a vision board is key to actualizing your goals. There are several reasons that this is absolutely true but here are some key points to consider:

  1. You can SEE your goals daily
  2. You will FEEL like you’re making progress
  3. You have a greater SENSE of motivation

Of course, if making a vision board seems daunting to you, simply find some images that inspire you and keep them where you can see them daily.

Remember, this must be personal and doable… but most of all, what you ACTUALLY want. Because people who know what it is they truly want always get it.

Have A Plan

There’s a good reason that books like Discipline Equals Freedom and Atomic Habits are so popular: success only comes from consistent planning and daily execution.

Without a plan to achieve your goals, your resolutions simply become wishes. Having coaches and mentors to support you is crucial and key to accomplishing your goals.

In fact, one of the best examples of this is in mixed martial arts training at Invictus. Each new belt rank and level quickly support your wellness goals (whether physical, mental, etc) while keeping you challenged and growing. It’s easily one of the best ways to feel good and get a great workout while making tangible progress.

Daily Execution

Put simply: your goals won’t work unless you do.

Recently, during one of our small group classes, the coaches were having a conversation with members about small, daily actions and how quickly they can add up. The coaches asked the question: have any of you ever done more than 7,000 push-ups? Everybody agreed that they didn’t know.  The coaches then encouraged the members that if they committed to only 20 push-ups per day that they would accomplish having completed over 7,000 push-ups in a year.

Everyone was stunned.

No one had thought it was that simple.

Small, daily action creates big results. To do this, here are a few suggestions to leverage to turn your goals into results:

  1. Set a reminder on your phone
  2. Tell a friend to help keep you accountable
  3. Join a community of like-minded people
  4. Hire a coach to help you
  5. Schedule your actions

The most important lesson here is this: take consistent and intentional action daily.

Track Your Progress

You need to know where you are today and set up a system to review your progress. There are several great resources available via apps and web services today. But it’s usually the simple one that will help you the most.

For example, when it comes to nutrition goals, most people set big goals (which is good) with unrealistic time frames or caloric targets. This makes keeping your goals so challenging that the goal actually becomes a roadblock. The best nutrition goals are the ones that you can actually do consistently. Meaning, if you have the resolution to drink more water, start simply by drinking 500 ml in the morning and 500 ml in the evening. Then, as you feel thirsty throughout the day, you’re free to drink water as needed. To do this, you can buy a 1,000 ml (about 1 qt) water bottle and mark it halfway so that you can easily see your progress.

Whatever your goal, keep track of your progress to see what’s working and what isn’t. Think of it from a scientific perspective and that you need data to better understand what is effective at helping you achieve your goal and what is less effective.

Set A New Goal

Inevitably, if you’ve been following these success methods, you will need to set a new goal. Now, it could be that you’ve learned along the way that your initial goal needed adjusting. It could also be that you accomplished your goal and now you’re ready for a new challenge. Regardless, always remember that the goal isn’t the point… your transformation is.

It’s been said that the journey is often more important than the destination. But in fact, you can be confident in knowing that who you are becoming as a result of achieving your goals is the ultimate prize and best result you can accomplish.

Make Your Resolution Stick

See, when you become a healthier individual, then your family is better because of it. Because you become better, their lives are positively influenced.

Your health and wellness goals made you a better person…

…improving the quality of life for your whole family,

…which makes for a better community,

…and inspires others to take better care of themselves.

Realize that there are people right now in your life that need you to do this. They are waiting for you to take bold action to accomplish your goals and make your resolution stick.

At Invictus, we help you do just that! And it’s easy to GET STARTED.

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